Inbound Contact Center

Robust inbound contact center solution that routes interactions intelligently and offers exceptional IVR experience to increase CSAT and FCR rates

Intelligent Routing

Omnichannel Routing

Intelligent omnichannel routing capabilities deliver customer interactions to the best available agent based on your own business rules.

Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)

Route inbound calls to agents based on caller data, IVR selection, business hours and agent skills to optimize each caller’s experience.

Skill based Routing

Match callers to the agents most qualified to meet their needs to increase customer satisfaction and first call resolution.

Priority Routing

Use priority-based routing to offer a different service to your VIP customers or for a hotline to call for urgent assistance.

Time-of-Day Routing

Set routing rules based on agent schedules. Strengthen your business presence. Send out-of-hours calls to voicemail.

Last Agent Routing

Automatically connect customers with the agent customer spoke with initially for improved caller experience.

Configure and adjust advanced routing rules to make sure customers are routed to the right agent at the right time. Connect customers with the services they need at every touchpoint in the customer journey based on common skills and last agent, and prioritize your VIP customers. Increase FCR (First Contact Resolution), improve CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) and deliver exceptional service to your VIP customers with SPINE.

Queue Management

Call Queues

Reduce call center costs, provide 24/7 support, respond to customer inquiries faster, and deliver a smoother customer journey with Chatbot technology.

Caller Identification

View information about callers, such as their names and phone numbers, in real-time.

Wrap-up Codes

Add call summary notes and results codes to your call log and integrated CRM to ensure that relevant customer information is retained.

Handle incoming contact volumes across channels and balance customer satisfaction with agent efficiency to meet your service level target. Leverage intelligent routing options to reduce bottlenecks throughout your customer journey. Give customers the option to get a call back when an agent becomes available, instead of waiting on hold. Give agents visibility into queue metrics to motivate them to improve their performance.

Agent Efficiency

Auto Call Answer

Answer incoming calls quickly to reduce ART (Average Response Time) and increase CSAT (Customer Satisfaction).


Customers can leave their phone number for a callback, or simply leave a voicemail rather than waiting in queue. Callback requests will then be processed by the routing engine.

Agent Scripting

Guide your agents through each step of the conversation to boost your FCR (First Call Resolution) and CSAT (Customer Satisfaction).

Give your agents a 360-degree view of customer information to help them deliver a personalized customer experience. Use skills-based routing to dramatically reduce call transfers and increase FCR. Leverage agent-to-agent chat to help your agents utilize the expertise and experience of more seasoned agents and supervisors. Take advantage of live call monitoring and coaching to guide agents while supporting customers.



Make interactions easy and improve customer experience with a fully integrated and customizable multi-level Interactive Voice Response (IVR).


Leverage TTS (Text-to-Speech) technology to provide a wider range of self-services within your IVR and improve the customer experience.

Business Hours

Easily configure business hours and associated call routing features to suit your evolving business needs.

Improve customer satisfaction, boost efficiency, leverage revenue opportunities and improve employee satisfaction with SPINE automation tools, including: omnichannel support, intelligent routing, self-service IVR, chatbots, customer notifications and reminders, escalation workflows, call-back options, seamless integration, etc.

Quality Assurance

Call Recording

Record inbound & outbound calls, pause/resume live call recordings and listen to past recordings at any time to ensure compliance with quality standards.

Post-Call Surveys

Integrate Voice of the Customer (VoC) into your business and gather valuable customer insight in areas for improvement through post-call surveys.

Call Scoring

Listen to call recordings and evaluate agent performance to capture and share insights as well as direction on how to make improvements to the customer experience.

Monitor and evaluate your call center team against the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) you set. Cross-train agents on different channels to minimize queues. Give your agents the valuable support and coaching they need to solve problems during interactions. Ask for feedback on the customer’s experience with post-call surveys and customer surveys. Ask for feedback on the agent’s experience to maintain morale and motivation across your team.

Our consultants will be happy to presenting our solutions to you remotely or on site, discussing your needs, and advising you on the best implementation approach.